Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Thought becomes Matter

"What you think, matters. Literally." Ramtha

Whatever you think.... becomes matter, material, physical, a particle, an answer to "prayer". Do you get it?

Tuesday, June 20, 2006


Perhaps our planet is what was described in a Star Trek television episode called "Shore Leave." When Kirk and his team land on a planet to check it out before sending the rest of the crew down for some much needed rest and relaxation, they begin to experience odd events. McCoy sees a huge white rabbit. Sulu sees an ancient samurai who chases him. Kirk sees an old lover and an old classmate. After experiencing the joys and sorrows of these events, it finally dawns on the crew (thanks to Spock, of course) that they are on a planet that reads their thoughts and creates what they think about.

Earth is that planet. What you hold in your mind with energy and focus will tend to be created in your reality. It takes a little longer to experience results because we keep changing our minds. Imagine going to a restaurant and ordering chicken soup. But before it arrives you change your order to won ton soup. And before that arrives you change your order back to chicken soup. You'll sit there and complain, saying "I can never get what I want!", when in reality you are the reason your soup is late! Most of us do that every day. Our indecision makes manifesting what we want nearly impossible. No wonder you end up feeling that you can't get what you want. Yet, it doesn't have to be that way.

Consider what Frances Larimer Warner wrote in Our Invisible Supply: Part One, in 1907: "Spirit is substance which forms itself according to your demands, and must have a pattern from which to work. A pan of dough is as willing to be formed into bread as biscuit. It makes as little difference to Spirit what we demand."

Monday, June 19, 2006

A Manifesting Abundance Puzzle

Christopher Westra has put together a very interesting abundance puzzle based upon Proverbs, demonstrating the power of the mind to influence even the internet. Check out this link and try out the power of your mind over matter:

You Can Manifest Beautiful Water Crystals

A Holistic Definition of Wealth

Life has advanced so far, and become so complex, that even the most ordinary man or woman requires a great amount of wealth in order to live in a manner that even approaches completeness. Every person naturally wants to become all that they are capable of becoming; this desire to realize innate possibilities is inherent in human nature; we cannot help wanting to be all that we can be. Success in life is becoming what you want to be; you can become what you want to be only by making use of things, and you can have the free use of things only as you become rich enough to buy them. To understand the science of getting rich is therefore the most essential of all knowledge. There is nothing wrong in wanting to get rich. The desire for riches is really the desire for a richer, fuller, and more abundant life; and that desire is praise worthy. The man who does not desire to live more abundantly is abnormal, and so the man who does not desire to have money enough to buy all he wants is abnormal.

There are three motives for which we live; we live for the body, we live for the mind, we live for the soul. No one of these is better or holier than the other; all are alike desirable, and no one of the three--body, mind, or soul--can live fully if either of the others is cut short of full life and expression. It is not right or noble to live only for the soul and deny mind or body; and it is wrong to live for the intellect and deny body or soul.

We are all acquainted with the loathsome consequences of living for the body and denying both mind and soul; and we see that real life means the complete expression of all that man can give forth through body, mind, and soul. Whatever he can say, no man can be really happy or satisfied unless his body is living fully in every function, and unless the same is true of his mind and his soul. Wherever there is unexpressed possibility, or function not performed, there is unsatisfied desire. Desire is possibility seeking expression, or function seeking performance.

Man cannot live fully in body without good food, comfortable clothing, and warm shelter; and without freedom from excessive toil. Rest and recreation are also necessary to his physical life .

He cannot live fully in mind without books and time to study them, without opportunity for travel and observation, or without intellectual companionship. To live fully in mind he must have intellectual recreations, and must surround himself with all the objects of art and beauty he is capable of using and appreciating.

To live fully in soul, man must have love; and love is denied expression by poverty.

A man's highest happiness is found in the bestowal of benefits on those he loves; love finds its most natural and spontaneous expression in giving. The man who has nothing to give cannot fill his place as a husband or father, as a citizen, or as a man. It is in the use of material things that a man finds full life for his body, develops his mind, and unfolds his soul. It is therefore of supreme importance to him that he should be rich.

It is perfectly right that you should desire to be rich; if you are a normal man or woman you cannot help doing so. It is perfectly right that you should give your best attention to the Science of Getting Rich, for it is the noblest and most necessary of all studies. If you neglect this study, you are derelict in your duty to yourself, to God and humanity; for you can render to God and humanity no greater service than to make the most of yourself.

Wallace D Wattle

Money is Not Real

Physical paper money does not even represent money in full. It cannot reasonably do that. By some estimates (and this varies from nation to nation), only as little as 4% of the money in the banks exists as paper cash. Imagine how much cotton, linen, pulp, and metal the world would need so as to make all the money everyone has in his or her bank accounts. Imagine how much space it would take to store all this money in paper form. If you were to stack only one million US$1 bills, it would weigh one ton and be 361 ft high. Neither does money exist as gold reserves any more. This is for exactly the same reason - we ran out of the reasonable ability to keep a gold standard in the 1970s.

So what does it exist as, the money that we are always talking about? Well, it is one massive illusion. It is all just numbers written on paper and computer storage devices, and assigned to people and entities such as companies and investments, or more accurately, further records! To put it in another way, for every $100 or its equivalent in any other currency, only about $4 exists as printed-paper notes or coins, while the remaining $96 exists as numbers written on papers and computers in banks and businesses and other entities. The only reason this system does not collapse is that we all believe in it. The last time people stopped believing in it in a large enough extent was just before the Depression when large numbers of people rushed to their banks to withdraw their money and found that they could not all get it. This is not what caused the Great Depression, but it in a large way accelerated it.

So, money is not real - something else is. Money is just the shadow of that other something. The first step to wealth is to know what money really is, or more accurately, what it represents. It is very rare in a day that you should ever look at money as you know it today - the cash, the bank accounts, the costs, etc. This is merely the shadow and not the real thing. Looking at the shadow, the physical money,is most of the time very unwise and unhealthy for you and your finances.

Look, instead, at the value within you and within people, and the flowing and exchanging of this value between people. Our internal value, is what creates money. Money is the shadow of our internal value. Develop this internal value in yourself and in others and your external money and wealth will correspondingly rise automatically, without fail.

David Cameron

Money Promises from Proverbs Puzzle

Most people just really don't believe in abundance. They want to believe in abundance for themselves and their family, but the old scarcity programs kick in.

Well, trusting in the money promises will get you past this blockage. Trust is what you need to reprogram your beliefs. These promises made it possible to make the inner changes and create wealth!

See if you can solve the puzzle, and get the promises as you work on it. In ten seconds, you'll see what I mean!

What are the money promises? Go see for yourself.
Count yourself among the believers of the promises.
Yes, the promises will make a difference in your life. Chris Westra

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Ask and Ye Shall Receive

Quantum Physics ... Why it is the key to creating your future...

You are the creator of everything that comes into your world... (Quantum Physics has scientifically proven this)... While you may not have been aware of this fact. it is actually good news - you can control the outcome of your life.
It's not just what you think about and focus on that counts. How you feel about it is literally 1,000's of times more important.

‘Ask and Ye shall Receive’ and ‘even before you ask, it is given unto you’ are not just spiritual and religious teachings of the ages. Quantum Physics has scientifically proven them to be the absolute law of the universe.

Dr. Robert Anthony

Saturday, June 17, 2006

You Become What You Think About Most

Many Nobel Prize winning physicists have recently (starting in the
1920s) proven beyond doubt that the physical world is one large sea of energy that flashes into and out of being in a fraction of a second, over and over again. Nothing is solid. This is the world of Quantum Physics. They have proven that thoughts are what put together and hold together this ever-changing energy field into the "objects" that we see. So why do we see a person instead of a flashing cluster of energy?

Think of a movie reel. A movie is a collection of about 24 frames a second. Each frame is separated by a gap. However, because of the speed at which one frame replaces another, our eyes get cheated into thinking that we see a continuous and moving picture.

Think of television. A TV tube is simply a tube with heaps of
electrons hitting the screen in a certain way, creating the
illusion of form and motion. This is what all objects are
anyway. You have 5 physical senses (sight, sound, touch, smell,
taste). Each of those senses has a specific spectrum (for
example, a dog hears a different range of sound than you do; a
snake sees a different spectrum of light than you do; and so
on). In other words, your set of senses perceives the sea of
energy from a certain limited standpoint and makes up an image
from that. It is not complete, nor is it accurate. It is just
an interpretation.

Our thoughts are linked to this energy and they determine what
the energy forms. This explains things such as positive
thinking, prayer, faith, creativity, goal-setting, disease, and
much more in a very scientific way. Your thoughts literally
shift the universe on a particle-by-particle basis to create
your physical life. Look around you. Everything you see started
as an idea, an idea that grew as it was shared and expressed,
until it grew enough into a physical object through any number
of "manufacturing" or "growth" steps. You literally become what
you think about most. Your life becomes what you have imagined and believed in most. The world is literally your mirror, enabling you to experience in the physical plane what you hold as your truth ... until you change it. You know this to be true internally, and so do most people, and that is why people know instinctively that positive thinking works.

Quantum physics shows you that the world is not the hard and
unchangeable thing it may appear to be. Instead, it is a very
fluid place continuously built up using our individual and
collective thoughts and states of being as a society, country,
family, planet, solar system, or universe. We have begun to
uncover the illusion.

What is your body made of? Tissues and organs. What are tissues and organs made of? Cells. What are cells made of? Molecules. What are molecules made of? Atoms. What are atoms made of? Sub- atomic particles. What are subatomic particles made of? Energy? No. They are not made of energy; they are energy. You are one big "chunk" of energy. And so is everything else.

Spirit and Mind puts together this energy into the physical
shape you are used to seeing with your limited set of senses.
If you go into a high-tech lab right now and ask them to let
you see yourself under a powerful electron microscope and
conduct other experiments on yourself, you will see that you
are made up of a cluster of ever-changing energy in the form of
electrons, neutrons, photons and so on. And so is your wallet,
your spouse, your car, and everything else. Quantum physics
tells us that it is the act of observing an object that causes
it to be there where and how we observe it. An object does not
exist independently of its observer!

Energy is the sub-atomic particles that come together to "make
up" atoms, which come together to "make up" matter. Matter is
energy. Matter is not converted energy, it is energy. Ever
heard of Einstein"s equation, E=mc2? What it means is that any
piece of matter of mass m is energy that can be calculated by
multiplying that mass by the speed of light squared (what a
large number!). You are literally made up of light, the same
stuff light is made of (hence the Bible and many other
spiritual texts tell us that light was the first thing to be
created). Scientifically speaking, this energy exists as waves
spread out over space and time. Only when you exercise
observation do these waves become particles localized as a
spacetime event, a particle at a particular "time" and "space".
As soon as you withdraw observation, they become a wave again.

So, as you can see, your observation, your attention to
something, and your intention, literally creates that thing as
a space-time event. This is scientific. Even your relationships
with other people are governed this way by unfailing laws of
cause and effect. Your world is made of spirit, mind and body.
Each of those three, spirit, mind and body, has a function that
is unique to it and not shared with the other. What you see
with your eyes and experience with your body is the physical
world, which we shall call Body. Body is an effect, created by
a cause. This cause is Thought. Body cannot create. It can only
experience and be experienced ... that is its unique function.
Thought cannot experience ... it can only make up, create and
interpret. It needs a world of relativity (the physical world,
Body) to experience itself. Spirit is All That Is, that which
gives Life to Thought and Body. Body has no power to create,
although it gives the illusion of power to do so. This illusion
is the cause of much frustration, as you will soon see. So here
are the functions and characteristics again:

- Spirit ... Function: Life Force. Characteristics: Eternal,
Infinite, All Knowing, All Powerful, One With All,
Invulnerable, Unconditionally Loving, Fearless.

- Mind ... Function: Create by extension of Thought, which, as
you shall scientifically see, shifts the energy that comprises
all things physical. Characteristics: "Split" between Higher
Mind and Lower Mind. Higher mind has same characteristics as spirit while lower mind tends to identify with Body.

- Body ... Function: To experience. Experiences are possible
only in a world of relativity (mind and spirit exist in a realm
of absolute, not relativity, where comparison is impossible).
Body is purely an effect and has no power to cause or create.
Characteristics: Takes on whatever characteristics the mind
gives it.

David Cameron

Free Articles

Money Mastery Methods to Manifest Your Millions

Christopher Westra has collected an interesting set of free articles on manifesting. Click onto his free articles website and enjoy:

Thursday, June 15, 2006

The Infinite Flow

The most important thing in the awareness of abundance is the flow. A river of flow. A river of energy. A river of liquid golden light and fire. A flow of light. A glow of peace. Prosperity is being filled with and flowing with the Spirit. The Flying Peace Symbol above is a 21st Century Symbol of this spiritual flow. Out of peace flows abundance.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Manifesting Abundance

Out of the Infinite Peace of God-Awareness flows the abundant life. This blog is dedicated (1) to the discovery of those anxieties and limiting beliefs which block this flow, this glow; (2) to the principles of manifesting your spiritual inheritance and powers.