Tuesday, June 20, 2006


Perhaps our planet is what was described in a Star Trek television episode called "Shore Leave." When Kirk and his team land on a planet to check it out before sending the rest of the crew down for some much needed rest and relaxation, they begin to experience odd events. McCoy sees a huge white rabbit. Sulu sees an ancient samurai who chases him. Kirk sees an old lover and an old classmate. After experiencing the joys and sorrows of these events, it finally dawns on the crew (thanks to Spock, of course) that they are on a planet that reads their thoughts and creates what they think about.

Earth is that planet. What you hold in your mind with energy and focus will tend to be created in your reality. It takes a little longer to experience results because we keep changing our minds. Imagine going to a restaurant and ordering chicken soup. But before it arrives you change your order to won ton soup. And before that arrives you change your order back to chicken soup. You'll sit there and complain, saying "I can never get what I want!", when in reality you are the reason your soup is late! Most of us do that every day. Our indecision makes manifesting what we want nearly impossible. No wonder you end up feeling that you can't get what you want. Yet, it doesn't have to be that way.

Consider what Frances Larimer Warner wrote in Our Invisible Supply: Part One, in 1907: "Spirit is substance which forms itself according to your demands, and must have a pattern from which to work. A pan of dough is as willing to be formed into bread as biscuit. It makes as little difference to Spirit what we demand."


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